Why a Defined SDLC Can Boost Your Software Projects

Why a Defined SDLC Can Boost Your Software Projects

June 6, 2024

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Many companies that privilege a structured approach when developing software tend to apply the Software Development Life Cycle method. SDLC provides a systematic process that builds high-quality software at low cost and in the shortest possible production time. This methodology implies a step-by-step through different phases: planning; requirement analysis; software design (such as architectural design); software development; testing, and deployment.

Businesses are increasingly becoming more dependent on software solutions to drive innovation, streamline operations, and enhance customer user-friendly experiences. For all those reasons it’s, in many cases, indispensable to incorporate a well-defined SDLC systematic approach to software development. It helps manage complexity and ensures that projects are completed on time, within budget, and fulfilling specified quality standards.

All these benefits translate into better management, fewer risks, and a higher success rate for businesses. Understanding and implementing a robust SDLC can bring significant advantages from small startups to large companies.

Let’s examine the key components of effective software development strategies for business sustainability!


Creation of SDLC

The concept emerged in the 1960s as a response to the fast-growing complexity of software projects. Early computing pioneers faced several challenges, such as unclear project requirements, poor quality control, and frequent project delays. That is why SDLC was created, to address these issues and provide a structured framework based on planning, systematic execution, and rigorous testing.

This historical context emphasises the necessity of having an organised approach to software development, which has only become more relevant as projects have grown more complex.



SDLC Key Phases and Processes


The stage includes gathering all the specific details required for a new system as well as determining the first ideas for prototypes, and research to determine the needs of end-users. Through this step, developers will often create a software requirement specification or SRS document.

The requirement analysis phase is the critical first step in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), where the foundation for the entire project is established. This phase is essential for understanding what the project aims to achieve and what the software needs to do to meet stakeholder expectations. Effective requirement analysis involves several key activities and deliverables, which are crucial for setting a clear and achievable project direction.



Planning establishes the project scope, objectives, and feasibility. By developing an effective outline for the upcoming development cycle, it’s possible to catch problems before they affect development. The planning stage defines the project schedule – a key aspect, mostly if the development is for commercial purposes and must be sent to market by a specific time.



Now we move to the phase when architectural designs and detailed specifications are created. The implementation phase focuses on writing and compiling code based on the design. The testing phase involves verifying and validating the software to ensure it meets the defined requirements.



This is the part where developers write code and build the application according to the earlier design documents and specifications. The development phase, often called the implementation phase, is where the actual coding and construction of the software occur. This phase is critical once it transforms the detailed design documents into a working software product.



The testing phase involves verifying and validating the software to ensure it meets the defined requirements. Several levels of testing are considered: Unit testing focuses on individual components; integration testing makes sure that different modules or services work well together; system testing evaluates the global; performance testing assesses the software’s performance under various conditions; security testing identifies potential security vulnerabilities and rigorous testing is crucial for ensuring the software is reliable.



The deployment phase is about releasing the software to the end-users. This phase begins with deployment planning, where a detailed plan is created that outlines the steps and procedures for deploying the software.

The software is installed and configured in the production environment, making it available to users. Training and support are provided to users during the initial rollout to help them understand and effectively use the new software. Post-deployment monitoring is conducted to identify any issues that arise and gather user feedback for future improvements, ensuring the software continues to meet user needs and expectations.


Choosing the Right SDLC Methodology

Selecting the appropriate SDLC methodology is mandatory for project success. Common methodologies include Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, DevOps, and Lean. Waterfall, a classic SDLC methodology, is a linear and sequential approach, suitable for projects with well-defined requirements. Agile is an iterative and flexible approach, ideal for projects requiring rapid delivery and frequent updates. Scrum, a subset of Agile, focuses on short development cycles called sprints. DevOps combines development and operations to enhance collaboration and speed up delivery. Lean emphasises efficiency and waste reduction.

Choosing the right methodology depends on factors such as project size, complexity, and stakeholder requirements.


Agile vs Waterfall SDLCs: What’s The Difference?

The Waterfall model is a traditional linear and sequential process, in which one step must be concluded before the next one begins. Each phase depends on the completion of the previous one, making this approach structured. This structure relies heavily on documentation, ensuring that each step is well-documented before moving on to the next.

In contrast, Agile is more modern and flexible. It was designed to be iterative and incremental, meaning that the project is broken down into smaller parts called iterations or sprints, with a duration of 2-4 weeks.

Instead of completing previously the entire project, Agile teams work on small sections to develop, test, and review them repeatedly. This cycle is less focused on comprehensive documentation and more on delivering functional software frequently and adapting to changes.


We hope this article showed you the importance of implementing these methods by having expert guidance from our IT consultants.

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